How to export evernote notes to drop box
How to export evernote notes to drop box

how to export evernote notes to drop box how to export evernote notes to drop box

The problems with Evernote as a company and as a product are not really the point of this post.

how to export evernote notes to drop box

Second, Evernote as a product and company had seen better days. I felt a desire to to refine my note taking process and to slim down the number of notes I had. First, my Evernote notes had become a bit of a monster, both conceptually and organizationally and in terms of the total number of notes.

how to export evernote notes to drop box

Unfortunately, a few cracks started to appear with Evernote and my usage. Evernote’s mission to “capture everything” had largely became how I used the tool. For example, I had used Evernote as my task manager, Evernote as a read-it later app like Pocket or Instapaper, and even Evernote as a sales and networking CRM. I had come to depend on Evernote as the “Swiss Army knife” of my productivity tool kit. Over the years, my personal usage of Evernote had grown to cover more than just note-taking and journaling. In their place, I now have 11,278 plaintext files and a completely new way to write, learn and organize my work. That’s the number of notes I had in Evernote.Ī few weeks later, only a few thousands notes remained in Evernote. Feel free to download this script and use it. It also handles files with the same title. So I forked it:  Now it exports the files and names them the title that was given in Evernote. I needed it to export the files with the title I gave it in Evernote. This did most of what I needed, except it named all the files it exported sequentially like: 1.txt, 2.txt, 3.txt, … This wouldn’t work for me because the name of my files means something to me. It was designed for exporting Evernote to SimpleNote. Evernote only supports exporting as HTML or Evernote XML Format (.enex).Ītter searching around I came across an open source project on GitHub called: ever2simple. Next I had to get my notes from Evernote to Dropbox as Markdown. I settled on nvALT on the Mac and 1Writer on iOS. Ideally I wanted to keep all my notes in Markdown in Dropbox. It wasn’t worth it to me to pay $34.99 a year to sync text documents. This was a problem for me because I used a computer at work, at home and my iPhone. In fact the thousands of text notes I currently have is only about 5mb, which is way less than the 60mb a month upload limit.Ī month ago Evernote changed their plan so that you could only access it from 2 devices. I’ve never had a need to upgrade because my text notes never came anywhere near the upload limit. I’ve only used it for text notes, even though Evernote supports much more.

How to export evernote notes to drop box