Format factory free down
Format factory free down

format factory free down format factory free down

When you choose to convert a file, you choose the output type as well as low, medium or high quality. The advanced user may be disappointed that there’s no granular codec control or that you can’t expand the output options supported by installing the appropriate codecs. There’s never any need to adjust codec settings or the like, which is what makes it great for the casual user. Image formats include BMP, GIF, ICO, JPG, PCX, PNG, TGA and TIF. Audio formats include AAC, OGG, MP3, WMA and more. Video formats include AVI, GIF, MP4, MOV, VOB and more. The goal here is to take the headache out of file conversion, and that makes it a great option for the user who wants to convert video, audio and images to a format that a particular device, such as a smartphone or video game console, supports.įormat Factory has excellent support out of the box, and there’s no need to worry about codes and other technical details. If you’ve ever wanted a Windows program that could handle multimedia conversion in a very fast and simple way, then Format Factory is the app for you. Format Factory is a complete multimedia conversion tool for Windows that excels at being fast and user-friendly.

Format factory free down